~ Danger! ~ Cee’s Oddball Photo Challenge + WPC Monochrome 2 ~

P1040736Photo cropped, enhanced, adjusted, edited — but the sign is for real!







And: In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Monochromatic.”

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6 Responses to ~ Danger! ~ Cee’s Oddball Photo Challenge + WPC Monochrome 2 ~

  1. That there’s a need for this sign says things I don’t like to hear. Good one, Lindy.


  2. Cee Neuner says:

    Now this is a true odd ball. I would never think of tossing it over that fence or any fence. 😀

  3. Lindy Le Coq says:

    As with most oddball shots, there’s a story to this one! The dog park nearest my home is situated on the grounds of the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) local complex. When the dog park first opened, the fences weren’t that great and they meandered next to the BPA storage areas. Over time and with user support, the park has become well managed with sturdy fences and clean doggie doo stations. I’m thinking these signs are a ‘throw back’ to days before, but, who knows. People can do outrageous (stupid) things and think they’re cute.

  4. Pingback: Cee’s Odd Ball Challenge-Wk-37 | WoollyMuses

  5. Pat B says:

    Oh, my. I can just picture trying to toss the over the fence. Quite amazing that anyone would even think of doing such a thing.

  6. Pingback: Cee’s Odd Ball Challenge-Wk-38 | WoollyMuses

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