~ Renewal ~ WPC: Growth ~

This week’s photo challenge is to share an image that evokes the spirit of change and newness. Since I have committed myself to finish some long-delayed projects this year, I decided to share this photo of drawings, one done and one in-process, that represent my main area of renewal this year.


The third of three finished short stories, Peach Pie Summer only needs a compliment of color pencil drawings and line sketches to be complete. So, while the rain and cold batter my dormant gardens, I’ll continue to grow inside!


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6 Responses to ~ Renewal ~ WPC: Growth ~

  1. Pingback: Growth – Congestion – What's (in) the picture?

  2. JANE says:

    A good feeling to be right on target with the completion of projects! Will you be posting your stories/ illustrations on your blog?

    • Lindy Le Coq says:

      I will likely post more illustrations. Not sure if I will post the three stories — last time I tried I found the website not especially easy to navigate when presenting collated words plus images!

  3. Olga says:

    Wow! Wonderful photo of renewal of your artistic journey. I’ve put my painting on the side-lines for way too long. It’s been over a year. Might join you in the path of renewal. 🙂

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