~ American Apartheid ~ A Poem ~

American ApartheidLindy Le Coq – June 3, 2020


Four hundred years of suppression,

black men and women raped and murdered

for being.


Jim Crow still alive in

red-lined housing,

unfunded schools,

three strikes – you’re out,

stop & frisk,

skewed criminal justice system,

toxic waste dump next door,

contaminated drinking water,

low wage jobs – essential work –

     (considered beneath the swollen, unearned ‘dignity’ of white folk),

and Novel corona virus, a

pestilence inflicted by an

incompetent, white supremacist president,

and a Republican Party united to resist the

fundamental rights of life, liberty and justice for all.


With the brutal police murder of George Floyd,

the web of Jim Crow unravels.

Citizens of all generations and skin tones,

no longer willing to sit by silently weeping,

instead take to the streets,

march peacefully in solidarity

to weave new cloth from the tattered fabric of our nation,

to eschew white supremacy,

…in order to form a more perfect union….

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4 Responses to ~ American Apartheid ~ A Poem ~

  1. doclorisoli says:

    Fantastic Lindy! Love you dear sister.

  2. We can only hope this time there will be systemic change, but we’ve seen times like this before–MLK, Rodney King, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, Ahmad Aubrey … the list is endless. Will it ever change? And we MUST get rid of the pestilence of this horrible president and his hangers-on!

    • Lindy Le Coq says:

      When the young one’s are marching and protesting, creating unrest through peaceful civil disobedience, things happen. One of the songs that keeps running through my mind is the first line of one written by James Taylor and Carole King: “I feel the earth move under my feet…”

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