~ Lens-Artists Photo Challenge # 261: Work in Progress ~

Ann-Christine hit the nail on the head for me with this week’s challenge. Some of my high sunshine gardens were going to waste, with no fruiting vegetables or pretty flowers. After I hired a crew to trim back the arborvitae on one side, and remove them along the fence, I was inspired to dig-in and and get things done! Below, one of the garden plots with fading foxglove, and scattered bricks for the border.

As these things go, it has been a work in progress for a couple weeks and is still not finished! The above space has been transformed into a strawberry patch, with companion plants of Marigold and Thyme. I’m looking forward to sweet berries next spring.

Another plot that I’d made a stab at turning into a rose garden with companion plants, was sputtering. Only one of the roses was pretty and bloomed regularly, and the ground cover had overtaken it all. Below is the cleared space and work in progress with bricks.

The wooden borders were rotted, so I removed them and built edges with old red brick that I’ve had for years and used in other ways. I love it when I can repurpose a resource and not have to buy new. A few unused cottage stone helped shore up the space between the arbor and garden.

The rose is Oh My!™ a floribunda with medium, bright red, fragrant flowers. After constructing its border, I added French Provençal Lavender as companions, and blessed it with a new trellis. The larger rectangular garden, to the left of the rose square, now has some heirloom zucchini seeds in four hills that may produce before the season is over. The space will be used next year for warm loving vegetables that I’ll select between now and then!

Whenever I step back and look around me, I always see “more to do.” That’s how it is and since I love to have projects in progress, this one will keep me busy for a while. Thank you Leya for an excuse to share what I’ve been spending my time and energy on!

“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.” Audrey Hepburn

On your walk with life, please honor our earth, encourage dignity and share kindness. 🐾

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10 Responses to ~ Lens-Artists Photo Challenge # 261: Work in Progress ~

  1. A garden is always a work in progress! You have made a lot of progress with yours. It looks great now and will only get better with time! I love the quote!

  2. Leya says:

    Lindy, you have done a great job, and the progress will be worth it. You must have a big garden from what I can see, and many works in progress. But it is fun and rewarding. I could not live without my garden.

  3. Amy says:

    Love your take on, Lindy! Gardening is a never-ending work. But, so much fun as work in progress.

  4. Maria says:

    That is the beauty of a garden, it is always a work in progress 🙂

  5. Feels good to see progress. And your share this week says it all.

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